This Is Me
This page reveals my professional journey, personal interests, and the subjects I'm passionate about, such as problem-solving, creativity, innovation, continuous learning, health, and longevity. Whether through my work, hobbies, or community involvement, I'm always exploring new ways to make a positive impact. I love to help people. Feel free to explore this page and learn more about my experiences, what inspires and ignites me, and how this hopefully can benefit you. If your answer is YES, join our BizBox VIP Community and get complimentary access to loads of valuable knowledge for online entrepreneurs (click the button in the upper right corner).
Hello, I am Jack, a babyboomer from late 1946, a husband, father of two daughters, and grandfather of five grandchildren in their 20s. My first job was as a meteorology forecaster in the Dutch Air Force. I am naturally curious and love solving complex problems for people or organizations. I grew up with the exponentially growing possibilities and power of information- and communication technology (since 1971 !) and am fascinated to apply this to improve the performance of organizations and make life easier for people. I made a corporate career out of it in the financial-, logistics-, and telecom industries. I became an entrepreneur in the nineties and I still am, meaning I am not retired as long as I do not retire myself.
Entrepreneurship is too much fun.
My journey towards entrepreneurship
After working as a meteorologist, I transitioned into data science programming at a major bank in the seventies, pioneering data-driven decision-making. My team tackled the challenge of extracting actionable insights from administrative systems not designed for this purpose. Our success drew attention, and demand grew, leading me to establish a Data Services department that expanded to 15 staff within a few years. This became my first entrepreneurial lesson: "Addressing the demand for a solution with a strong product and service is almost a guarantee for business success." Eager for more significant challenges, I said yes to lead the design team of an online treasury system for an online treasury system to compete with American banks entering the Dutch market. Solving this strategic problem taught me my second lesson: The importance of market insights as a driver for strategic planning. Finally, I worked directly with the Board of the (second largest) bank to help transition the bank from old-school batch processing of the bank's financial administration to real-time processing, cracking the design puzzle others couldn’t. This revealed my true calling: problem-solving and innovation, leading me to my next step as an organization management consultant, which was a dream I cherished for years.
About Manifesting Dreams
In my early years working with the bank, I cherished a dream while I followed one course after another, learning computer programming to crunch and analyze data. I saw myself helping organizations to perform better as a whole. I only could not afford the education, so I focused on my work and tried to perform the best I could. Nothing in your life changes for the better when you do not take action. Nowadays, we know that. But it was already valid for ages. I was ready to become a Management Consultant, so I applied externally and was hired. I suddenly realized that I manifested a dream from years ago. I was going to help organizations to perform better.
Later in my life, I had this sensation a few times more - what you want will happen if you have a strong desire and a clear goal and take appropriate action.
In the 21st century, we have the tools to share knowledge easily through the internet. We became aware of The Secret, Louise Hay's Affirmations, and my modern hero, Dr. Joe Dispenza, amongst many others.
He recently shared a 30-minute motivational video that anybody who wants to achieve something special should listen to. If you wish, you can listen to it on YouTube:
If you have a dream that you want to manifest, then spend 30 minutes listening to this motivational video.
If you would like to be part of a movement of people eager to manifest their dreams and participate actively in sharing knowledge and experiences for personal growth, join our vibrant community HERE.
Suddenly I was an entrepreneur
It was December 1991. I was a senior management consultant in a firm that was a former Dutch subsidiary of Cap Gemini Consultancy. We were facing a declining market and a high cost level. We did not make it: bankruptcy, 35 management consultants without a job. I was 45, and nobody wanted me on their payroll. It took me one month to take faith into my own hands and try to survive as a newbie entrepreneur. In other words, I started to work at my own risk. I was lucky to have built a good network of company managers who needed help with organizational changes. In the second month, I required colleagues to help me to manage all my assignments. After 3 months, we were with 5, InnoMotion Partners was born. We led many strategic change projects for Telecom, Postal Services, Logistic companies, and Banking until the market became challenging again, and we felt ready to retire from this work in 2007.
I am open to new challenges
A major project we were involved in was the Millenium Securisation for the Dutch Telecom organization. The project had only one aim: that all automated systems would stay fully operational during the Millennium change on 1 January 2000 precisely at 0:00. Besides the country-wide telecommunication infrastructure, the most vulnerable sectors for telecom disruptions were the Police, Fire brigade, Airports, Hospitals, the Army, and the worldwide internet. Hundreds of people worked for almost 5 years to help prevent any disaster of failing communication systems. Mission accomplished. After the conclusion of my part of this project in 1998, my wife and I went on holiday to Bali. It was an enjoyable experience, and we were glad to return in 1999, even 2 times. The idea grew to retire in Bali, which was still a decade away. But we pursued the idea, bought land, and built a villa compound, which was finished in 2006. We moved in 2006, 5 years before retirement. During this development project, the opportunity to develop a villa resort knocked on the door (or in my head). I took action, started this project in 2003, incorporated a development company in 2006, overcame many hurdles, and built seven villas. I had the dream, took action, and found the right people and market to sell to; the rest is history. We are still there because it is hard to leave.
My latest adventure
My first company was based on personal services in the "real" world, my clients' offices. It's for sure a brick-and-mortar environment.
The second company (the villa development) was the closest to brick-and-mortar, as you can imagine.
However, the third business I started (hospitality) depends on renting out the villas I built (2007). It brought me back to the virtual world of information and communication technology I left behind many years ago. The Internet's evolution has significantly impacted the hospitality industry—borders disappeared.
Marketing in the hospitality industry nowadays is in contrast to what it used to be when I booked my first holidays in Bali in the nineties.
I accepted the challenge and built my first website to promote the villa hotel brand Gunung Paradis Retreat (in good old WordPress)
Because the hospitality branch in North Bali, where we are, is not yet very profitable, I searched for additional income streams and saw the potential of an online marketing business. I took my first steps in this new business realm in 2016, and it took me 4 years (part-time) before I had my first success in 2020 with a dropshipping product. Still, after a while, I found this business model was too challenging to make a decent income.
So, in 2021, amid the pandemic, I searched for alternatives and switched to studying the ins- and outs of Affiliate Marketing. After a few failed attempts, I found the best provider and community that resonated with my vision and requirements: FourPercent, a community of successful online entrepreneurs under the inspiring leadership of visionary affiliate marketing genius Vick Strizheus.
To become successful online
you need to master these three subjects
Find a series of mindset and personal development trainings in our BizBox Community.
Register for free and start learning and training.
Find a series of training videos to learn the skills of Online Marketing in our BizBox Community. Register for free and start learning and training.
The last part of a solid foundation to become a successful online entrepreneur is mastering the tools you must apply. Tools come with a cost, though the price is just a fraction of the earning potential you create with them.
Highly rated educational value on two essential subjects for online business success, namely Mindset and Skillset. FourPercent has defined the proven best Affiliate Marketing Business concept:
HUB Centric Ecosystem driven for lifetime multiple streams of income.
Estage has developed and operates a builder and execution platform with all necesseray components for a HUB-Centric Affiliate Business natively integrated. The native integrated ecosystem supports lifetime multiple streams of income.
My Companies
InnoMotion Partners
InnoMotion Partners was a five-partner management consultancy firm that focused on helping corporations innovate their organizations and streamline internal processes. The strategic change projects we developed and implemented led to more accurate and efficient processes, which enabled companies to perform better in growth, output, quality, and financial results. The firm quickly became a six-figure business until the five partners retired in 2007.
BaliMotion Indonesia and Gunung Paradis Retreat
In 2000, my holding company, InnoMotion Beheer bv, started a villa development project in North Bali 2000. In 2006, the project was incorporated into an LLC company called PT BaliMotion Indonesia. In 2007, we started renting out villas, and in 2015, I started marketingthe rental villa compound Gunung Paradis Retreat, a boutique holiday retreat for relaxing holidays and themed groups. Unfortunately, the pandemic forced us to pause this business from the beginning of 2020 to mid-2022. After starting up again, we are back on track.
BaliWellth Publishing Int
This spin-off company resulted from learning to use internet marketing for our villa rental business. It focuses on developing content for the online marketing campaigns for both our rental business and a newly started separate affiliate marketing business.
We generate content and run marketing campaigns for our rental- and Affiliate Business niche, "Make-Money-Online".